Welcome to the Blog!

I’m Hannah and I am most passionate about photographing relaxed weddings for fun and adventurous couples and encouraging budding photographers to pursue their dreams.

Here you will find my most recent work, personal musings and tips and tricks whether you're a photographer or just browsing. Grab a cuppa and get your scroll on!

Welcome to my little corner on the interweb!

Featured Blog Posts

This time of year there are posts about our accomplishments in 2018 and what we’re looking forward to in 2019. I would love to write one of those posts too, but in this new year, marking my 5th year in business, I can’t help but think about where I started. I was a noob. This […]

The Year Was 2014…

I’m going to take a wild guess and assume you know someone (or at least know someone who knows someone) who is an artist. Maybe a musician, a photographer or videographer, a makeup artist, writer, blogger, painter etc. And I’ll take another wild guess that if you COULD support them, you would. Right? As much […]

3 Ways To Support Artists for FREE

WOW! What a crazy week it’s been! Mad editing in my office Monday – Wednesday, engagement shoot with Steve and Candice at Coventry Cathedral and Coombe Abbey in Coventry on Thursday, the cosy rainy-day wedding of Luke and Sharon on Friday, Matt and Ellie’s sweet wedding in Oxford on Saturday (crashed and comatose on Sunday) […]

Mentoring with Caroline Logan Photography in London